Tuesday, February 07, 2006


But(t) Naruto! A Collection of Naruto Butt Jokes

I swear I haven't done it on purpose! They just keep happening .... Yes I am an Archaeologist and thus have a particular fondness for butts as I see them all day, but I promise that had no influence on the humor in the following images!

First I present you with the 4th OP, Go!!!!! (Fighting Dreamers) :

JUST GO MY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Secondly we have The Kabuto Butt Scalpel! :

Origionally posted by Dyroness:
Of course, Kabuto can pull butt scalpels after hugging chakra spheres. Damn, he's so badass 8D

Origionally posted by Odlam:

HA! Kabuto beat Sakura without even using his hands, while fighting Kyuubi Naruto at the same time! And you people mocked his uberness. Fear him. FEAR! TREMBLE!

And lastly, The Sasuke Butt Poke! :

I wanted to show that Sasuke and Naruto were indeed NOT holding hands on the Chapter 293 cover. The cover had a slight problem ... It almost looked like their sholders were crossing when actually Naruto was slightly behind. People didn't take into acount that they are angling away from eachother. If they were perfectly side by side, and their arms would actually cross but that wasn't the case. Naruto is slightly behind Sasuke with his shoulders back (the way his arms are actually behind his back) aiming slightly to the left. Sasuke has his shoulders forward with his arm in front of him aiming slightly to the right. That is why their arms do NOT actually cross and they aren't actually holding hands. The illusion comes from them both having their heads tilted toward eachother.

Well, anyway .... I tried to fix the problem with a visual. I drew it that bent by accident but I had too much difficulty trying to fix it so I said screw it, at least it makes my point that their hands wouldn't touch and that their shoulders don't actually cross. I did not notice the other *issues* with the drawing at the time ... but now I love it because of those *issues*

Origionally posted by Lexiefaye:

Hopefully this will illustrate once and for all that they are not holding hands and not just that I am a crappy artist! The blue line shows the part of Sasuke's arm you can't see cuz it's block by Naurto and his own body.

The ironic thing is I didn't see the humor of what I drew until people pointed (no pun intended) it out. But it is pretty funny. Guess I should be oblivious more often!

Here are the reactions to it:

Origionally posted by Kataimiko:

well see, now people are going to get confused and wonder who's mysterious blue hand is groping Sasuke's ass.

Origionally posted by TenshiOni:

No, that's obviously Naruto using his new regular chakra arm jutsu to poke Sasuke's ass.

Origionally posted by quonita:

I was cracking up when I saw your picture. Thanks for trying to prove that visually, but that might be too much for some ppl.

Origioanlly posted by Chatulio:

Lexie what have your done T_T

Origionally posted by Shimomizu:

u almost bursted my stomach

Origionally posted by gSOLO:

Oh man, I'm coming late to this thread but that pic had me cracking up for a good few minutes. No offense or anything.

Origionally posted by tu sense:

I think your rendition of Sasuke's left arm is angled a little to sharply. I don't think it would go that far in, but that's just a guess.

Origionally posted by dhJackBurton:

Any particular reason you are pointing to Sasuke's butt?

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