Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Typical Week of a Naruto Addict
Tuesday: Bleach Anime ... then spend rest of the day checking for spoiler pics even though you know they won't appear yet.
Wednesday: Spoiler pics and Anime. Woot. Best day on the planet!!!! Discuss Discuss Discuss.
Thursday: Spoiler pic boredom sets in ... where's the raw already!?! Grrr.
Friday: Yeah Raw! But you realize you already figured everything important out from just the spoiler pics .... Oh well, at least you can have fun surfing the new threads.
Saturday: Day for deep analysis. All the easily thought up threads have been picked apart and now people are really thinking hard. Theorists unite!
Sunday: Full, sated ... and already feel the agony for the next chapter slowly creeping in. Only have a few last things to say but it can wait until Grey's Anatomy is over.