Monday, February 27, 2006


296 - NF crashed but I had fun

With NF down most of this week, I ended up chating on no less than 4 different forums. NF has been so funny ... I swear I've been more amused by it's trials and tribulations today than anything that would've been posted there. *hangs head in shame* When I first got on I could do Jump Post no Jutsu where my posts would disappear for a minute and then reappear 2-3 posts ahead of where they should have. I ended up quoting before the quotes were even said and even became the first post to a thread once. Then the second time it revived itself, I couldn't quick reply and when I went to reply the long way it sent me to a different thread. Finally now it seems to be behaving itself.

Here is a link to a 296 Parody. Not the best but there are some great moments (like what's on Yamato's hand instead of the "sit" kangi) :

I also realized that this blog was becoming too large for its own good so I added an Outline ( to the side panel.

The ANIME/MANGA matchup chart is finally up to date! YIPPAY!!! I summarized the entire story since the latest dub chapter for Zero-Kool on Sunday (the link to that summary: so I fell behind on the chart ... but with a little determination and free time I got it done. Be sure to check out the explaination of this chart first: There is also a link to it on the sidebar.

Lastly, here are some thoughts about the future of the anime fillers. The latest filler period is due to end soon (somewhere between now- Episode 173 - and Episode 185) but there has been talk how to prevent another LONG filler period by sticking fillers in between all the Part 2 Manga Arcs.

In the particular case of fitting a filler between the Gaara Arc and Current Yamato Arc, the timeframe won't be the easiest thing to change. Unlike Bleach's '2 months' and this current arc's '2.5 years', there is no established timeskip between these two manga Arcs. The main problems they have to write around to fit a filler in between are:

A) Kakashi being unavailable to join the team for the bridge due to his frailty after using MS. This can only be extended so long without having to make up a different excuse for his absense or have MS used again in the filler.

B) Team Kakashi in their Gaara Arc form can't exist without Kakashi (who must be shown reacting long term to MS) and Team Yamato can't exist until the Bridge Arc for established story reasons having to do with disfunctionality and how characters are introduced. So unless they plan to have Naruto join with other teams for obscure mission a la the current Arc .... which will be weird without knowledge of the former genin's new abilities.

C) We also have a very compact timeline in Part 2 of 6 months to get Sasuke before both Akatsuki and Orochimaru follow through with their plans. There is a sense of urgency any obsure, pointless filler could easy destroy. Adding any LONG fillers would actually mess up the timeline itself.

That said, I DO expect them to at least stick fillers between a couple Part 2 arcs and I can only hope they do so tastefully with as least inconsistancy of plot and mood as possible.

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