Monday, February 26, 2007



I do not have the time, energy, or mental health to follow Naruto the way I used to and the way it deserves. Therefore, I no longer update this blog. Naruto goes on but I do not. Think of it as frozen in time, with theorizes and opinions very reasonable in April of 2006 but not necessarily afterwards. I appologize if this throws you and for not responding to any comments explaining how what I wrote here can't be true due to anything Kimimoto has divulged after Manga 300. Enjoy ...

I really liked all your theories =]
for those who find it .... a quiet explaination for my sudden disappearance from NF:

I am an internet addict in the truest form of the word. I was on NF 16 hrs a day, had stopped going to work regularly, and essentially became a recluse with Naruto the excuse for it all. I was saved from this distructive lifestyle by family and friends who convinced me to cold-turkey forums (and for a while, the internet period).... and thank goodness they did! I could not stop myself so I was stopped.

I have since moved from NJ back to CA, and instead of managing timeconsuming NF, I now manage at a timeconsuming luxury hotel in Napa Valley. I love it! I do still read the Manga weekly and feel strongly about the plot and characters, but without the forums environment and discussion to get my mental juices flowing, detailed theories come more rarely and are unworthy of this blog. Yes, I miss NF - mainly the wonderful individuals I socialized with as part of the experience - and I can honestly say it was one of the most enjoyable activities of my life ... but to move on with my life, I made a sacrifice.
I began a contribution as site for exclusive use of naruto. Please link to this site if I do not trouble you. I intend to publish a related story of naruto serially steadily from now on. Please cheer it.
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