Monday, February 06, 2006
Naruto's Determination

Sasuke may be the one who's stronger physically from the start but Naruto is the one who's stronger emotionally and morally, which you will see becoming more and more important as the story continues. Its an underdog story with a twist .... As Naruto slowly begins to become more domineering physically through training and fortitude, results DUE to having Sasuke on his team to compete against, Sasuke gets (at least temporarily) stronger emotionally, willing to take risks he otherwise wouldn't and willing to do things his own way outside of the destiny you assume he will take, and this is DUE to having Naruto on his team constantly exemplifying determination and passion. It's important they are on the same team because the most powerful stories are those where the main rival is the person the protagonist cares about the most and has shared the most with ... no matter the villians that appear Naruto will still be more sensitive about Sasuke than anyone else ...
You have to stop thinking of Sasuke and Naruto as friends and start thinking of them a brothers. At least to Naruto (and I suspect to Sasuke deep down as well) they are not just comrades but siblings. And most guys I know have no problem (even at 15) holding their brother's hand during a trying situation like drowning or doing practically anything to save a brother from a crappy situation. I know if I lost my brother, I would chase him down as long as it took as long as there was even the remotest chance of getting him back.
(You hear that Isaac? [well you don't cuz you don't come here but anyway] See, you can never get away from me! *demonic laughter*)
A statement like this is not out of the blue. He's been saying mature, determined stuff like this (e.g. "I don't take back my word. That's my way of the ninja.") for a while yet. The difference is situational; this is the first time he is using his determination as a means to back down from a fight. Hasn't Naruto's main weakness all along been his hot-headedness and here he is exhibiting level-headedness and clearly taking the high road. Up 'til now these statements have only been to either clarify his determination or to initiate a fight. Furthermore, until now all those determined statements have been for his own benefit. (e.g. "I will become Hokage, and then everyone will be forced to recognize me", "Don't underestimate me") Now, his statement is altruistic in nature ... his focus has shifted and now Naruto's determination is on Sasuke's behalf. "I will do anything to save that friend ... even work with you." To put your own dreams and comfort aside for the smallest chance that you can help a friend is maturity indeed.
I think it is less that he has gotten 2.5 years older (certainly helped with the maturity) or anything that happened while training with Jiraiya ... but more that loosing Sasuke immediately changed Naruto.
His personal goals and his ambisions have been put on hold ever since. Naruto's desire for constant attention (which he now even has in negitive ways from Akatsuki!) and his need to be acknowledged (sated at first by his fellow genins and eventually even by Sasuke during the VOTE fight) were fulfilled and now his efforts and determination is aimed in a more altruistic way.
He was not just HUMBLED; Naruto was emotionally CRUSHED. And he still hasn't really gotten over it so to survive, he has had to rebuild himself from the bottom up. He really isn't himself anymore ... just like how he forced himself to completely change his mindset and stop running away after the oath of pain ... Naruto again has completely changed his mindset to force himself to keep his oath to Sakura. This isn't to say his ultimate goal to be Hokage has disappeared because he is more interested in Sasuke ... just that Naruto now supresses it with his other more instinctual desires - he's become stoic and hardened mentally in order to allow himself to follow Sasuke into the darkness.
Naruto is only NOW able to joke about things like his strength because loosing Sasuke has put things into perspective. Naruto NOW realizes there are things much more serious and important than how the world generally views him. He doesn't feel the need to brag to prove his confidence anymore because in reality, he actually IS more confident in who he is and actually IS more determined about what he now needs to do. He no longer needs other's validation because the pursuit of Sasuke is purpose enough.
299 Update -
Origionally posted by Omolara:
What matters right now is that Naruto simply took what Yamato said (essentially "Kyuubi bad, it's all your fault" ) and decided that he would rely on his own strength to protect those he loves. He realizes that up until now, he hasn't just been "borrowing" power from Kyuubi - it's been taking interest too. The kid's got a temper and the Kyuubi has capitalized on it.
As for Naruto being able to handle the Kyuubi's chakra because of the strength of his chakra: This, IMO, speaks very highly of the Fourth and his forethought. The seal was designed so that the Kyuubi's chakra could blend with Naruto's for his own protection. At first, I believed that this meant that the Kyuubi's chakra would protect Naruto. Now, I wonder if it couldn't have meant that and/or that the Kyuubi's chakra would strengthen Naruto's chakra little by little from the time of the sealing. If that's the case, then the Fourth was even wiser that I first thought. Naruto's decision: This is why I love him. He has certainly grown past the point where he'd go into depression at the thought of being weak. This Naruto knows that he must do what Yamato said in order to save Sasuke, and he just accepted it. There was no resignation to his fate, nor was there immediate doubt. It was just Naruto, and the strength of his heart. That just gave me this really good feeling.
I am proud of Naruto here ... he does not whine about being put in an odd position or openly deny what Yamato says. He also doesn't do a "Yeah, I'm the bomb and you know it" brag like he would have used to do whenever complimented. Instead, he thinks about it ... realizes his priorities and after warily being reassured that Yamato really wasn't leaping to conclusions and overestimating his abilities, agreed for the altruistic causes of Sasuke's and Sakura's protection. And it isn't an overprotection or an abstract notion of protecting important people or not taking back him words. It's Naruto limiting himself for the first time because if what Yamato says is correct he is taking unnecessary risks and going over the top in his determination to protect them, which is backfiring and harming them instead. And considering for so many years nobody had faith in or trusted him because he they though he was the Kyuubi, to have someone say directly that they trust him to be strong with it and believe he can overcome that temptation is a BIG deal.
Originally Posted by The_Leader:
That's the thing with Naruto. For missions involving stealth, discretion and whatnot, he aint that great. But when you want someone who won't give up and will destroy a hell of a lot, he's the man.